Monday, March 25, 2024

Week 4 Reflection

                                                      Week 4 Reflection 

What is data mining??

 Data mining is the analysis of large data sets, looking for patterns and trends that can be theorized into insight. 

What is data mining in healthcare??? 

Medical data mining is a set of data science methods and instruments used to generate evidence-based medical information that clinicians and scientists can trust. 

Healthcare data mining techniques are used in many health-related areas, including biotech, pharmaceutical research, and medical science. The main health technologies  tech components involved in the clinical data mining process include…

  • Connected EHR and EMR solutions
  • Hospital information management systems
  • ML and AI-driven data-mining systems
  •  Medical data visualization modules
  • Advanced role-based admin panels
  • External platform and tool integration. 

  •                       Article Review 

This week we will be reviewing the article Automated data mining of the electronic health record for investigation of healthcare-associated outbreaks. This article was based on a study completed at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center-Presbyterian Hospital (UPMC) in 2019, to develop and validate data mining tools using retrospective outbreaks, with the ultimate goal of utilizing these tools as a component of a surveillance system called Enhanced Detection System for Healthcare-Associated Transmission (EDS-HAT), being created. The subject of this study were 9 outbreaks that occurred during 2011–2016, which had previously been characterized according to transmission route and molecular characterization of the bacteria. The data mining program was used to  identified outbreaks already identified by the infection prevention team to determine the sensitivity of the algorithm for identifying the correct transmission route. Data mining of the electronic health record did correctly identify transmission routes by the eighth patient of 1 outbreak and the second patient in the other 8 outbreaks studied. It was found that automated data mining has several potential advantages over traditional approaches to hospital outbreak investigations, and can accurately identify routes of transmission among patients. The study suggests that if the data mining software was running, an estimated 66 - 78% of infections could have potentially been  prevented. 

In this article the implications of clinical data mining for illuminating and enhancing clinical concerns was used to identify infectious outbreaks and potentially decrease the number of infectious outbreaks in the future. Data mining has proven to be successful by providing rapid analyses of large volumes of data quickly and efficiently, and offering considerable improvements in healthcare treatment and prevention. Data mining is also useful for advanced practice nursing interventions because massive amount of meaningful evidence-based data, practices, treatment and research is available within minute once a search has been started. Data mining presents significant opportunities for healthcare workers to increased accuracy of diagnosis and treatment plans, avoiding harmful drug interactions, detect insurance fraud and Make use of predictive analysis in medical practice. 


Sundermann, A. J., Miller, J. K., Marsh, J. W., Saul, M. I., Shutt, K. A., Pacey, M., Mustapha, M. M., Ayres, A., Pasculle, A. W., Chen, J., Snyder, G. M., Dubrawski, A. W., & Harrison, L. H. (2019). Automated data mining of the electronic health record for investigation of healthcare-associated outbreaks. Infection control and hospital epidemiology40(3), 314–319.

How I envision using clinical data mining in my practice setting  🤔🤔🤔

I plan on using clinical data mining in the family nurse practitioner setting by using evidenced bases data to aid in identifying type and causes of illnesses, to find the most effective course of action for illnesses, to identify treatment plans and best practices, measure effectiveness, and improve the standard of patient care


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Monday, March 18, 2024

week 3 reflection

                        Week 3 Reflection

Reflection on the relationship among the personal health record (PHR), patient engagement, and patient safety and quality

 The relationship among the personal health record, patient engagement, patient safety and quality provides the opportunity and access for patients and providers to work together to create better health outcomes for patients. 

 The electronic personal health record (PHR) is controlled by patients, and through the use of it patient are provided with opportunities to be involved in their healthcare journey.  The PHR promotes opportunities for mutual accountability and opens a clearer line of communication between patients and healthcare providers. 

Patient-engagement increases patient education, awareness, and involvement in their care and treatment planning. Patient engagement tools give patients a direct line to their providers with a host of features including: two-way chat, patient portal, online appointment scheduling, prescription refill requests, access to labs and medical records, etc. 

Working within an integrated care delivery model and sharing the latest best practices and evidence-based health information empowers physicians to make the best decisions for patients and ensures the highest quality care and safety.

Touch on the following: 
  • Patients understanding of their health concerns -Patient understanding of their diseases, treatment, health care recommendations provided by health care professionals is essential to enabling active and informed patient participation in care. Steps to ensure patient understanding include clearly communicating, confirm understanding, and clarify and answer all questions. 
  • Patient understanding of health care recommendations provided by health care professionals is essential to enabling active and informed patient participation in care. - Patients need formal education on the disease condition; they need to know their ailment, understand their symptoms, be educated on the diagnostics, appropriate medication use, and should be taught when to call for help. Patient education materials help educate and ensure knowledge the patients needs on their health conditions, improves their health literacy, and enhances and promotes informed decision-making based on the most current and updated medical and clinical evidence as well as patient preference. 
  • Communication between patients and nurse practitioner - Advanced nurse practitioners are required to understand how to communicate effectively and on a collaborative basis with their patients, with the aim of enhancing patient outcomes such as improved patient satisfaction, ability to self-manage healthcare needs and adherence to care plans.

  • Patients self-management of chronic disease -Self-management support is the process of making multilevel changes in health care systems and the community to facilitate patient self-management. Support of patient self-management is a key component of effective chronic illness care and improved patient outcomes. Self-management support goes beyond traditional knowledge-based patient education to include processes that develop patient problem-solving skills, improve self-efficacy, and support application of knowledge in real-life situations that matter to patients. Family physicians can support patient self-management by structuring patient-physician interactions to identify problems from the patient perspective, making office environment changes that remove self-management barriers, and providing education individually and through available community self-management resources. 

  • Patients engagement in their healthcare decisions - · Patient-engagement  in care is a priority and a key component of clinical practice. Patient engagement can inform patients and providers with education and policies, as well as enhance service delivery and governance. It improves the quality of  care delivered, quality communication and patient–professional relationships.

                         POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT

Monday, March 11, 2024

week 2 reflection

 Benefits of the Electronic Health Record for Improving Safety and Quality 

What are Electronic Health Records??

  • An electronic health record (EHR) are the digital equivalent of a patient’s paper-based records or charts at a clinician’s office. EMRs typically contain general information such as comprehensive medical history, diagnoses, medications, allergies, lab results and treatment plans for a patient as collected by the individual medical practice.
  •  EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users.
  • What are the Benefits of the Electronic Health Record and how do they Improving Safety and Quality of Care???

■ Improve the quality of patient care - help healthcare providers track and monitor patient progress, provide easy, up-to-date access to patient information, demographics, and quickly access valuable information. Also allow healthcare providers to make better-informed decisions about patient care. 

■ Increase patient/consumer participation in care - improves patient engagement by providing patients access to their health information, empowering them to take a more active role in their health and wellness. 

■ Improve the accuracy of diagnoses and health outcomes - provides instant access to data pertaining to test and lab results, allows access to critical information such as allergies, code status, and emergency contacts. 

■ Improve care coordination - streamline managing and sharing patient records, facilitates communication between providers allowing effective collaboration. Allows providers to check for medication conflicts or potential issues when prescribing new medications. allows for e-prescribing making obtaining medications easier. 

■ Increase efficiencies and provide cost savings - reduces the risk of errors, duplicated test and procedures, also reduces the risk of transcription errors. Streamline appointment scheduling, billing and patient communication. Decreases time spent on administrative task and reduces the need for paper-based systems. 

■ Provide predictive and prescriptive tools to provide awareness and alert changes in patient condition or health risks - allows access to databases, and population health management, provides clinical decision support tools, allows access to multidisciplinary teams, provides clinical alerts and reminders to providers. 

  Why the Nurse Practitioner needs to understand and use the EHR to improve safety and quality? 

 The use of electronic health records (EHRs) by nurse practitioners (NPs) has tremendously transformed patient care. By implementing use EHRs, NPs can manage health information in ways that are patient centered, they allow access comprehensive patient data quickly and efficiently, and enable better care coordination among providers improving the quality, safety and consistency of care while simultaneously reducing health-care costs, and satisfaction through health information technology.  EHRs allow NPs to monitor patient progress, provides comprehensive data that can guide them to more accurate, reliable care and decrease their overall workload. 



Monday, March 4, 2024

week 1 reflections

                    ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSES  

Reflect on the role of the APRN as it relates to collaboration between your role as a Family Nurse Practitioner and the nursing informatics specialist.                           

What is an Advanced Practice Nurse????
APN: Advanced Practice Nurses

An advanced practice nurse (APN) or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) is a nurse who has a graduate-level degree and specialized training in one of four roles - nurse practitioner (NP), clinical nurse specialist (CNS), nurse anesthetist (CRNA), or nurse midwife (CNM). APRNs hold at least a master’s degree in addition to their initial nursing education and licensing as Registered Nurses (RNs). Their expertise contributes significantly to improving health outcomes and enhancing patient care. Beyond these four APRN roles, specialized knowledge in one of six population can be obtained, specialized areas include:  Family/Individual Across Lifespan, Adult-Gerontology, Neonatal, Pediatrics, Women's Health/Gender-Related, and Psychiatric-Mental Health. 
Each role has a different scope of practice and certification requirements, as well as differ from state to state. 

What is Nursing Informatics????

Nursing informatics is the specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in the nursing practiceNursing informatics bridges the gap between health care's clinical and technological perspectives. Informatics nurses are registered nurses (RNs) who operate at the intersection of technology and nursing. They combine their clinical expertise with knowledge in communications, computer science, and information science. Their role involves analyzing and developing health systems used by nurses in clinical settings. Nurses should advocate for the innovative use of nursing informatics while always keeping sight of their focus on patient safety and privacy. Examples of nursing informatics applications include electronic health records (EHRs)Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs), and Telehealth and Telemedicine

                                    REFLECTION  ðŸ¤”🤔🤔🤔

How does this relate to me???? 

Collaboration between the nurse practitioner and the informatics nurse specialist allows for an understanding of the entire workflow, such as the ordering process for streamlining efforts that benefit all clinicians involved, it boosts clinical practice, engagement, and overall digital experience. Traditionally, informatics specialists operate within their respective disciplines, however, joint efforts between NPs and nursing informatics can yield significant benefits. By aligning education, role definitions, and armed with practical clinical experience and formalized technical education, bridges the gap between technology solutions and patient care. The overall impact, can enhance patient care. The collaboration between my role as a family nurse practitioner and the nursing informatics specialist go hand in hand. Striving to provide the best quality care, patient satisfaction, and patient education available in a timely manner, I will need to rely heavily on computer technology. Being able to mix my advanced practice nursing skills/science with informatics technology, information and communication, will allow me to provide effective and efficient care. Mixing nursing science with computer technology will also provide me with limitless opportunities and resources as a provider to continue and keep my nursing education and practices current.

                   POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT 

Believe that you can.... it won't be easy, but it will be worth it 💖💖✌✌

week 8 Introduction

My name is Sabrina Ladd and am currently enrolled in a family nurse practitioner program. This blog is being created as an information resou...